Prospective undergraduate research assistants

Want to get involved as an undergraduate RA?

We are often looking for outstanding undergraduate students to join our lab as research assistants.  We are particularly interested in students from underrepresented and marginalized backgrounds, including neurodivergent students.
Read on to learn more about our lab and how to apply!


Research assistants (RAs) must have a minimum GPA of 3.2 or higher. RAs must be responsible, hard working, and time-flexible. Previous experience with children with developmental disabilities is desirable but not necessary.


RAs are required to work 10 hours per week and must make a minimum of a two semester commitment. Many of our students choose to stay much longer – and we love to have them! Research assistants are also expected to attend a one-hour lab meeting twice a month.


RA responsibilities in the lab vary based on need and training. RAs may be asked to help with recruitment, data entry, literature searches, videotaping participants in their school or home, and scoring or coding videotaped assessments. Students in their first year in the lab will be involved in an on-going project during which time they will be introduced to the type of questions we ask in the lab. Students who work for additional semesters may have the opportunity to become involved in the design of new projects, take a lead training role with new RAs, or help graduate students prepare publications. Many of our undergraduate RAs have completed research poster presentations, too!


Undergraduate students may choose to receive independent study credit (PSY 491 – 3 credits for 10 hr/wk) or volunteer.

How to apply

Complete the link below to fill out our application form and apply.

Undergraduate Research Assistant Application Form