The MSU Autism Lab in the Department of Psychology at Michigan State University is seeking a full‐time, research assistant to begin around June 2023. The research assistant will join a multi‐site NIMH Collaborative R01 study, under the direction of Dr. Brooke Ingersoll (Michigan State University), Dr. Alice Carter (University of Massachusetts Boston), Dr. Wendy Stone (University of Washington), Dr. Allie Wainer (Rush University Medical Center), and Dr. Sarabeth Broder‐Fingert (Boston University School of Medicine). This community‐based randomized controlled trial is examining the effectiveness of training EI providers to deliver Reciprocal Imitation Teaching (RIT) within the Part C Early Intervention (EI) system across four states (Massachusetts, Michigan, Washington and Illinois). The MSU Research Lab, directed by Dr. Brooke Ingersoll, is focused on the development, evaluation, and implementation of community‐viable interventions for children with ASD and their families. MSU Autism Lab is a supportive and collaborative environment. The research assistant will also benefit from broader training opportunities across sites. This position is ideal for a candidate looking to gain additional research experience in clinical psychology before applying to graduate school.