Congratulations to two of our undergraduate research assistants, Brynn and Alyssa, who presented their posters at the 3rd Annual Michigan Health Psychology Symposium!
Byrnn’s poster explored if and how attitudes towards telehealth changed at two time points over a three-month period. The project specifically surveyed students and clinic leaders in psychology training clinics. While results found that there was no significant change in attitudes overall, students and leaders found telehealth as feasible, acceptable, and appropriate at both wave one and wave two survey.
Alyssa’s poster observed how Parent-Implemented Naturalistic Developmental Interventions (PI-NDBIs) differentially affect language growth of children depending on Medically Underserved Area Status. The project observed data from children with ASD in a Randomized Controlled Trial of Project ImPACT delivered via telehealth services. Although the data was not statistically significant, the trend in language growth of estimated marginal means indicated the coaching group had larger language growth over time. As well as that, children in medically underserved areas had less language growth than children not in those areas. Additional support for children receiving these interventions may be warranted in the future (e.g. homework reminders, spending time problem-solving, working through logistical barriers).